What does massage look like when I connect to the most still, quiet place within a client? Can I feel this place move my body around the table, my hands over the clients skin? What does the client experience when the massage is conducted by their own inner resources, instead of the practitioner’s agenda?
Biodynamic Massage grows bodyworkers’ skills beyond treatment protocols and routines. Meet your clients fully in the present moment. Connect with quietude in the tissues as it shows you where to work, how long to stay, and when to move on. Give your clients the deeply felt experience of being touched, listened to at a profound new level. Bring a freshness and spontaneity to your practice that increases client retention and new referrals. Biodynamic Massage allows the client’s own self-healing resources to guide the massage session. The practitioner palpates the client’s body, scanning for connective tissue densities and fascial patterning. A touch interface with these densities and patterns begins. This interface allows the inherent motility, the undulatory nature of these elements, to find a quiet, peaceful balance. These moments of quietude enable the client’s body to re-organize itself with improved health. As the body changes with the expression of health, it directs the practitioner’s hand placement and activity, delivering changes in pressure, contact and stroking pathway. The massage becomes guided by biodynamic quietude.
Open to all licensed health-care providers and those enrolled in a health care training school.
maximum 8 students 24 CEUs 30% discount for students repeating the course. $100 non-refundable deposit to hold your space. If you are interested in joining, please email or call Monica for payment information.
course highlights 5 warm-up styles – go beyond simply warming up the physical tissues at the start of a session, and learn how to move your entire body in concert with the recipient’s system. In biodynamic massage, we practice in a way that helps the practitioner learn how to let go of their personal preferences to meet clients where they’re at, even during a simple warm-up.
Density Scanning- How to locate hypertonicities relevant to your clients’ requests. these access points allow us to build a bridge connecting biodynamic quietude to the physical tissues during massage. particularly helpful for clients seeking relief from musculo-skeletal issues.
Fascial following – feel how motility in fascia can guide repetitive strokes in addition accessing biodynamic quietude. helpful for clients who are more interested in a relaxing massage experience or improved integration between body, mind and emotions.
PVS attunement – pressure (P), vector (V), and surface area contact (S) become calilbrated at access points to elicit motility and catalyze biodynamic neutrals.
Spatial placement – feel how motility literally physically moves the practitioner in space to the right place, so that PVS meets the needs of the client’s system. this is the beginning of a long term process of the practitioner letting themselves be physically guided when providing biodynamic massage.
Treatment cycles– how to catalyze healing by facilitating the transition from motility to neutral to motility again in the tissues. treatment cycles deepen the access to biodynamic quietude, allowing us to witness the client’s own system healing itself.
Standing evaluation – when the client is standing, before treatment begins, learn how to assess where resources are already gathered and working on their behalf, so you know where to massage to address their issues.
Quietude terminology – explore and understand the vocabulary used to convey how to sense and follow biodynamic quietude.
Skill progression overview – learn how biodynamic massage looks and feels different as practitioner skill levels shift from beginning to intermediate to advanced.
For any additional information, please contact Monica Rudestam [email protected] or 971-409-4049.