At the heart of any healing modality lies the ability to remain present; biodynamic cranial therapy teaches us how.
This intermediate course in biodynamic cranial therapy will carry you deeper into the art and science of embodied presence. Using the neutral as an access point, we will cultivate a relationship to developing quietude. It is this relationship to quietude that trains us directly itself, carrying us beyond tides, techniques and teachers. Encounter new depths of being within yourself as we shift from the beginning of the neutral spectrum towards the end, approaching stillness. Receive personalized, hands-on assistance with the application of awareness and refinement of interfaces. Gain confidence by profoundly feeling the deepening quietude which brings unmistakable health. Daily morning question and discussion periods to clarify understanding and explore meaningful aspects of the work.
course highlights
physical preparations – in addition to qigong shaking, we add arm transitions to amplify the heart to hand to hub connection when treating clients biodynamically
heart-hand-hub connection – form a circuit that links the healing event unfolding within the client to the practitioner’s heart, and then back to the client. put the heart back into healing, giving clients a profound sense of being acknowledged, heard and accepted
pineal palpation – learn to palpate with your pineal gland to sense the location of hubs and the palpable texture and other properties of quietude in them
central channel palpation – learn how to palpate the diameter, continuity and other aspects of the client’s central channel, so you can track long term progress. learn how to feel your own central channel, so you acquire a felt sense way to discern where to be placed in space during biodynamic work
awareness modes – understand how concentration affects the interface, when to apply it and when to relinquish it
deepening neutrals – palpate the difference between, and relationship between, tissue neutral and hub neutral to witness enhanced transformation
phase change – learn to track quietude as it transitions from compacting to expansive states, giving you and clients access to deeper neutrals
intuitive clarification – understand how intuition and inner sight differ from felt sense and how to ensure perception is minimally affected by personal bias, aspirations, and beliefs
quietude model development – understand the relationships between the spectrum of quietude, motility, neutral, hubs, pith, phase change, reservoirs and transits. the words are symbols that point to healing resources that cannot be contained, yet the words are necessary to convey our shared experiences in biodynamic practice, so that we can find common ground and orient understanding from there